So True
And you may find yourself
one quiet morning, faced with an unfamiliar sight.
And you may find all your VentAire bottles,
in every color, washed and ready to be reassembled, all at the same time.
And you may find yourself
taking advantage of the rare opportunity--finally--to rematch the bottles with their original tops and bottoms.
And you may tell yourself,
This is not the geekiest thing I've ever done.
And you may tell yourself,
This is not to humor my beautiful wife, who doesn't get all worked up if the bottles don't match.
And you may ask yourself,
Where does that highway go?
Then you may find yourself
Intentionally mismatching the bottles and tops for aesthetic effect, pink goes on green, purple on yellow, dark blue on light blue--no, that's boring! it should go on the--
And you may ask yourself, did I get here?
And you may ask yourself,
Am I right? Or am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself,
My, um, goodness!*...what have I done?