New Job Starts on Wednesday
I should be starting my new job this Wednesday.
I'll be managing two coffee houses. One in Highland and the other by Cal State San Berdo. The company will be Grounds For Enjoyment (GFE). I'm really excited, it’s a great opportunity for me to work with several new people and share my passion about coffee. I've already met a few of the employees and everyone seems really nice. I can't wait to get started; I'm getting kind of bored.
The SCAA conference is coming up to. It's in Charlotte NC this year. I'm dying to go, but I don't know if I'll make it this year. Coffee Fest in Vegas seems more likely.
It's weird not going to the shop. I feel like I'm on vacation and will soon be going back. The shop has had such an impact on my life; it'll take me awhile to get out of "Say What mode" and into "Moving Along mode".
Currently reading "Desiring God" by John Piper