Our Fingers Are Crossed
We've been cupping so much this week, it's been amazing! Today we cupped four different roast profiles of a Panama from Finca Hartman and earlier this week we had been cupping different profiles of the #1 Cup of Excellence winner from Bolivia.
"Why all this cupping?", because we're sending both of these wonderful coffees to this guy...
http://www.coffeereview.com/ Ken Davids is one of, if not the most, respected reviewers in the country when it comes to recomending a great cup of coffee. Because he is so respected, he is also feared by many a coffee roaster. If you look through a few of his webpages you will see Coffee Klatch several times. This means there's a bit of an expectation to do well. We sent both of them off today and should hear back in a few weeks to find out how did.